The South American continent is home to the largest tropical rainforest in the world - The Amazon Rain Forest. 6 countries are part of this enormous maze of natural diversity. Portuguese, Spanish and English are the three more widely spoken languages in Brazil. These countries are host to many visitors every year and most cities have a very metropolitan grace about them.
High in the Andes the river begins - hundreds of tiny streams trickling down rocks to complete a journey of more than 4,080 miles, flowing down the gentle slope of Brazil's interior out to the Atlantic Ocean.
The combination of nature and culture make discovering the Amazon Basin an unequalled experience. Lodging, Information, Tours, and other fellow travelers make the bustling port of Manaus an excellent introduction to the waterways that crisscross the nation of Brazil. This city is a common starting point for adventurers from all parts of the world who come to discover the Amazon.
Here at Manaus, more 1000 miles from the mouth of its humble beginnings, the Amazon splits in two rivers, the colors of the two rivers side by side are clearly visible. The whitewater side of the river flows from Peru, and the dark waters of Rio Negro (Black River) journey from Venezuela. This dramatic intersection where the rivers come together is known as the Meeting of the Waters.
At Manaus you can explore many options for your Amazon rain forest tours. Adventure/Travel, Eco-Tours, larger riverboat or small boat tours are some of the many options to choose from. Whatever your tastes, every tours highlight is the majesty of the rainforest. The experience is unsurpassed in marine voyages.
A constant cycle of evaporation and rainfall keeps the rainforest cool and regulates the temperature. 70% of all known plant and animal species call the Amazon rainforest home. The Rainforest is home to some well-known Amazon animals such as the Nocturnal Jaguar or the chilling Boa Constrictor. Some lesser-known creatures, also as distinctive share the enormous multi-level tropical environment.
As you glide through the sea of green beneath the canopy you might catch a glimpse of eye catching color - black and iridescent pastel hues, marked against the brilliant green that is the background wash in this exotic watercolor forest painting. This is the Urania Butterfly, a prized butterfly that has fascinated scientists with the iridescent reflection of its wings.
If you see a large colorful parrot eating sand near the banks, it might be a Scarlet Macaw, which eats the clay for its rich salt and mineral content. An Amazon tour or Amazon cruise is the serene way to relax and take in the wonder of the rainforest.
You may wish to add a tour along the Inca Amazon Trail on to your cruise. Or perhaps visit the unique lodging built by the natives of Ecuador, the Achuar. This culture is known to have inhabited the Amazon basin for thousands of year. A stop at Kapawi will add dimension to the incredible experience that is an Amazon River Tour. Whether you include rafting, a city tour, or visits to one of the many hot springs, you could spend weeks along the Amazon River and never learn of all its splendor.
New South Wales is home to some of the most beautiful outdoor environments in all of Australia, and some of the state’s outdoor attractions are known as world-class in their appeal. Many of these outdoor adventures and experiences are best appreciated when traveling in a campervan. When you travel in a campervan you’ll be able to travel wherever you’d like in New South Wales and stay in or near any outdoor location you want to spend more than a single day exploring. And there are many, many incredible outdoor locations worth exploring for days at a time. Some of the most incredible of all the outdoor locations in New South Wales worth checking out when travelling in a campervan are the Blue Mountains. The Advantages of Exploring the Blue Mountains in a Campervan The Blue Mountains offer one of the best possible locations to explore in a campervan because they lie very close to Sydney (about a 60 minute drive west of the city’s limits). Due to its proximity to Australia’s capital you will be able to quickly and easily drive back and forth between the wilderness and the country’s cosmopolitan center with ease, allowing you to stock up on supplies and get a taste of city life whenever you’d like, while affording the opportunity to retreat back into the “real” Australia at a moment’s notice. It’s common to find campervan travelers who split long stretches of time between Sydney and the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains offer an incredible campervan exploration opportunity because of their proximity to Sydney, because of the large number of camping sites, and due to the sheer wealth of experiences awaiting the adventure-minded traveler. What to Do in New South Wale’s Blue Mountains It will take a lot of time to exhaust the sheer number of experiences you can enjoy in the Blue Mountains! As you would expect, the mountains and their surrounding parks are home to a huge range of tours and trails to find your way through. These tours and trails can be walked, they can be cycled, and they can even be experienced from horseback. There are trails which you can off-road your way over, plenty of abseiling opportunities, and some of New South Wales’ best sites for rock-climbing and canyoning. Additionally the Blue Mountains provide access to plenty of eco-tourism experiences such as fishing, traditional camping and farm-stay opportunities. If you’re more interested in cultural experiences than outdoor adventures you will still be able to find exactly what you’re looking for in and around the mountains. The Blue Mountains are home to a surprising amount of galleries and exhibition spaces, craft and antique stores, and many of the region’s creative professionals. Like many destinations popular with tourists and travelers the Blue Mountains also provide their share of spas, beauty salons, fitness centers, and other hubs for pampering and taking care of yourself while on vacation. If you’re simply interested in exploring the region solo you’ll find plenty of wide open space to wind your way through. With a massive sandstone plateau, gorges over 750 meters deep, and the massive 1,215 meter high elevation of Mount Werong, the Blue Mountains offer a destination you can spend weeks and weeks exploring without scratching the surface. Transport around the area can add up if you are always taking tours so to save time and money, it is best to get your own vehicle to explore this vast mountain range. A campervan is the best option as you can have both your transport and your accommodation in the one vehicle and take your time getting around.
Federal Hall National Memorial is in New York and is rightly considered the birthplace of American government.
In this magnificent building, located on Wall Street, George Washington assumed leadership of the United States, as the first president. Today the building is a museum and memorial to honour the first president of the United States.
Federal Hall was built in 1700. Then the building bore the name New York City Hall. Then it was the first Capitol building of the United States. This is where the first president was inaugurated. In 1812 the building was razed to the ground. Part of the terrace, where President George Washington held his inauguration is preserved and can be seen by visitors.
In place of the old building was built a modern building, known today as the Federal Hall National Memorial. After its construction, it served as an underground vault. The modern building, which is one of the few surviving buildings, built in classic architectural traditions, was a place where millions of dollars in gold and silver were strictly guarded. This lasted until 1920, when the Federal Reserve Bank changed the location of the underground vault. After the American Revolution, New York City Hall served as a gathering place for the United States Congress - from 1785 to 1789. In 1788 the building was expanded and reshaped under the supervision of Pierre Charles L'Enfant. He was elected later by President George Washington to design the Capitoline town near the Potomac River.
Thus appeared the first example of Federal style architecture, in the United States. The building was renamed Federal Hall in 1789. In March 1789 the first U.S. Congress was gathered to elect a new federal government and the first thing lawmakers counted the votes by which George Washington was elected first president of the United States.
The building impresses with its majestic Doric columns that are in front. They are designed by Ithiel Town and Alexander Jackson Davis and resemble the columns of the Parthenon. They symbolize democracy inherent in Greece.
Domed ceilings were designed by John Freyzi and symbolize the economic strength of the Roman Empire. Front of the building stands a bronze statue of George Washington, the work of John Quincy Adams Ward. The statue was made in 1882 and placed where the inauguration of President George Washington was held.
In 1920 a bomb fell on Wall Street, with a result that killed thirty-eight men and four hundred others were injured. Federal Hall withstood the bomb blast. There is a famous photograph of that moment, which represents chaos and destruction on the streets, and above all this uplifting intact statue of George Washington. In 1955 the building received the status of a national memorial. The territory of the building has various interesting exhibitions, including one dedicated to freedom of speech. In the gallery that represents the inauguration of George Washington is set the Bible, over which he had sworn.
Perperikon is a great megalithic sanctuary, which forms one of the oldest and most historically important archeological complexes opened in the Bulgarian land. Quantity and type of evidence found proving that this place was located in the famous old shrine of Dionysus. On Perperikon is where it was believed that the relics were exposed to Orpheus or part thereof. The whole archaeological complex of Perperikon consists of four main parts of the Neolithic.
The first is a massive wall, the second is the Acropolis, built of huge stone blocks, occupying the highest part of the hill. The third section of the Perperikon is the Palace, which was carved into the rocks and covering an area of 10, 000 sq. m. The complex is part of the northern and southern suburbs, which constitute a system of small streets in the rocks, buildings and temples.
Perperikon is located on a high rocky peak at an altitude of 470 meters in the eastern part of the mountain.
The archaeological complex is located 15 km northeast of the town of Kardjali. At the foot of Perperikon in the Upper Village remains a fortress situated very close to the Perperikon River, which flows into the nearby Lake, Cold well, built in the bed of the river Arda.
Along the river, which forms the fertile and picturesque area around the archaeological sites are scattered from different eras that surround the actual center of Perperikon. Perperikon Orpheus
The whole complex Perperikon occupies a total area of 12 sq. km. The sanctuary is included in the hundred tourists site of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. Excavations of Perperikon began in 2000 as work on the discovery led to new evidence and for this important archeological complex the work does not stop today.
The ancient Eastern Rhodopes were an attractive place for populating and occasionally they are considered the cradle of megalithic culture. People in these places was long before the Thracians. Current evidence indicates that Perperikon sanctuary of Dionysus was a Thracian tribe.
Legend of the sanctuary of Dionysus tells how the son of Zeus and Semele was born among the other gods. Multiple suites satires of goat hooves and wonderful Menada, Dionysus wandered through the earth and taught people how to grow grapes and make wine. As a result, later appeared in his honor the holidays that are called Orphic mysteries that are only focused on single men.
Rites and secret rituals occurred in closed societies and hidden places not accessible to the eyes of other people in rocks and caves. These places were in the Eastern Rhodopes and especially Perperikon which culminated the symbolic death of the king-priest, which is a reference to the dismemberment of Dionysus by the Titans, which were carried out with the sacrifice of a goat, horse or bull. Addition to this is the performance of the symbolic conception of the goddess-mother, who launches a new life, which, is a mass mating of males and females. Thrace Sanctuaries
Studies in recent years of Perperikon are adamant that this was a sanctuary of one of the most popular ancient characters - Orpheus, who was born somewhere in the confines of Thrace. According to Professor Nikolai Ovcharov of Perperikon there were exposed relics of Orpheus, or part thereof, as is known that Orpheus was disjointed. This had happened in the extraordinary high rocks and were buried in the ground instead. Furthermore Orpheus Perperikon is ritually buried with Rhesus who is a hero from the Trojan War.
With the evidence discovered Perperikon becomes the first known world sanctuary of Orpheus.
Here came the worship of people across East and the East Mediterranean basin. Evidence for this hypothesis included pottery and coins and many antlers which were used for ritual sacrifice.
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest system of coral reefs worldwide and is remarkable for its unique beauty. This natural value is in the Coral Sea on the northeast coast of Australia. It is called "coral paradise of Australia, " it constitutes the largest biosistema on the planet and one of the few objects that can be seen from the open space.
The Great Barrier Reef is the age of 18 million years, in this huge period approximately 3000 coral reefs, 350 coral species and 900 islands were formed. The living coral reef arises from rotation of live to dead coral formations. The accumulation of coral skeletons is derived from the already dead organisms, which grow on living.
Situated on an area of 348, 698 sq. km between Cape York and the north island Lady Elliot in the south the Great Barrier Reef is the length of 2300 km and its width varies from 2 to 150 km.
Over 1500 different species of fish inhabit these coral shoals, some of which are covered with exotic vegetation. Among its inhabitants are the unique whales, swallows, big green turtle, manatee and other endangered, species. In the actual area the Bandabarg tourists can see how giant sea turtles lay their eggs and bury them in the sand.
The region of the Great Barrier Reef was opened up and the smallest vertebrate of life form was found living in the sea flowers. This little fish that lives around the coral reefs of lagoons, is known to scholars since 1979, but only recently found its origin and variety. This unique region of our planet is included in the list of World Heritage by UNESCO.
The enormous popularity of thousands of tourists that go there annually enjoy the beautiful sea views, practice underwater scuba diving and generally enjoy this most impressive human inhabited sea area in the world. The large influx of visitors to the Great Barrier Reef keep the minds of many environmentalists watching and insisting that tourists be limited. Fishing has also been banned there.
The Empire State Building is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the modern world, along with the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. So the majestic, grand and serious Empire State Building is located in Manhattan in the metropolitan of New York.
This embletic statue of New York is a feature of engineering in the U.S. and is named after the homonymous state, formerly called the "Imperial State". The building of the Empire State Building is located on Fifth Avenue № 350, between 33rd and 34th street.
The construction of the Empire State Building was designed by the architectural firm Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon. The Empire State Building is the second tallest building in the United States after the Sears Tower in Chicago, Illinois. The skyscraper in Manhattan was built in Art Deco and officially completed in 1931 and opened at a ceremony by the then U.S. President - Hoover.
The Empire State Building holds a record as it was the first building in the world that exceeded 100 floors. Over the whole 41 years the giant had no equal in height in New York, until finally the two towers of the World Trade Center were constructed.
After the impact against the two towers on September 11th, 2001 the Empire State Building once again is considered the tallest building in New York. Large proportions of the Empire State Building includes, 102 floors, reaching a height of 381 meters. Adding the Broadcasting antenna the height of the Empire State Building reaches 448 meters.
The 102-storey skyscraper has 6, 500 glass windows and the 73 high-speed elevators serve workers and visitors to the tower. The Empire State Building occupies a total area of 200, 000 square meters and for its construction 330 thousand square meters of concrete was needed.
The Empire State Building was built in a record time of 775 days, as the giant is the result of competition between car companies Chrysler and General Motors for raising the tallest building. Over 30 years of last century the outcome and the emergence of such a structure never existed anywhere in the world and the total spent for developing it was a staggering 41 million dollars. At that time it was incredibly prestigious and very expensive for a company to hire an office in the tower. To this day renovating the structure and inner workings of the Empire State Building is continuously updated, only the last six years for innovation inputs over 67 million dollars has been given. New York Panorama
The building now houses offices, banks and famous observatories, appearing on the 86th and 102nd floor, which offers detailed and breathtaking views of the entire New York. Millions of tourists also visit the Empire State Building each year .
On May 1st, 2006 the building celebrated 75 years of construction. On the second floor of the skyscraper you find one of its main attractions, namely the simulator, which was opened in 1994. When in it for about 25 minutes you can immerse yourself in almost a real aerial tour around New York.
As one of the emblems of the largest U.S. city, the Empire State Building is often used as background images for very large-scale movie productions. Probably one of the largest representations of the huge tower was in the film of King Kong in 1933.
Shimanami Kaido is the designation of several bridges that connect the Japanese islands around the inland sea. Highways are located between the main islands of Honshu and Shikoku, linking Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures. Shimanami Kaido extends from the town of Imbabura in Onomichi city and lays on both sides of the domestic Japanese Sea.
This series of bridges was opened in 1999. Overall, in the picturesque Sea of Japan are about 600 tiny sushi amidst the water.
The bridges are unique and impressive and each in a different way. The largest is the Tatara, who is also the longest bridge built and maintained by the ropes from around the worldg.
The area of the rope bridges is also attractive to tourists. Most of the tourists there rent a bicycle and embark on a tour of the bridges, stopping to admire the beautiful beaches and sights on the small islands.
The most popular island is Omishima, perhaps because of the beautiful tropical landscape of palm trees with overgrown banks. Ikuchijima, another island has a unique temple complex, which has architecture of the typical Japanese style. The island is also a cultural center because the Museum of Arts which is famous for contemporary Japanese artists have put their works there.
Omishima island is also quite attractive for tourists because it is one of the oldest so called Japanese shrines. Built in the 13th century it had been erected in honor of the brother of the goddess.
The Roman Baths in the sea capital Varna are one of the largest historic landmarks in the city. The Roman Baths are unique in nature because they are among the best preserved monuments from the ancient period in Bulgaria. Today the Roman Baths are located in the southeastern part of modern maritime capital, near the port. They represent the largest Roman bath on the Balkan Peninsula and are the largest antique public building, remaining in the country.
It is amazing how well they have managed to preserve the Roman Baths until today. Today, relatively full-preserved walls of the complex outline an area of 7000 square meters The architectural style of the Roman Baths found in the region around ancient coins are a testament to the period in which they were built and functioned. Most likely the baths were built at the end of the second century and early 3rd century, have been used somewhere until the end of the third century.
In those ancient centuries the Roman Baths were the height of the arched structures, up to 20 meters thick walls were built with specific technology, they have alternated stone wall with five or six lines of clay solid bricks. Huge boulders form internal stairs and the arches of the doors. Even today there are fragments, showing that the Roman Baths were decorated with magnificent mosaics. Lavish decoration of the complex is attested from very decorative marble fragments, columns and capitals.
The Roman Baths had been one of the most important and socially significant buildings of the ancient Odessos that of 15 BC becomes part of the Roman Empire in the province of Moesia. Odessos retains some autonomy, had the right to coin its own money and no Roman garrison. Baths in Odessos are a testament to the great influence of Roman culture in this major port of Moesia.
Heating system at the Roman Baths is an achievement of hydraulic engineering at that time. It involves a double floor and special cavities that lead warm air to the top of the building that was erected near thermal springs, and operating today in Varna. Visitors to the bathrooms come first in the spacious rooms, which are providing a natural barrier to cold air. Then come into a huge hall called balestra that was kind of a center. In this large room, were gathered the princes of Odessos to discuss important public issues.
The first professional opinions of specialists archaeologists and historians on the Roman Baths begin far before taking archaeological excavations in the area. Even in 1906, Austrian scientist E. Kalinka determined the building as ancient remains, but the greatest contribution to the induction of scientific interest in the ancient complex, respectively, and to maintain his brothers had Shkorpil.
Among the priceless antiquities discovered during excavations in the Roman Baths in Varna are figures of Claudius, statues of Roman gods Hercules, Victoria and Mercury, which is supposed to have served as decoration of the spacious rooms in the complex.
In the northwestern part of the baths were discovered shrine deities protectors of health Asclepius and Hygeia. Nowadays, during the summer months the Roman Baths in Varna and extensive premises are suitable for an outdoor theater, at which are held various concerts.
Vardzia aka The Castle of Roses is a monastery cave in Georgia. It is located near the village Vardzia. The graceful and fertile lands of Georgia have always been the subject of war. To protect the borders of the Georgian kingdom from Iranian raids, the Vardzia cave monastery was built.
Cut into the rock, the complex is located on the left bank of the Mtkvari River. Originally it was planned as a fortified tower, but then it became a well fortified monastery that played an important role in the political, cultural, educational and spiritual life here.
Nineteen levels extend from west to east along the mountains, with a length of eight hundred meters, into the depth of the mountain - fifty meters and a height of nine floors. Inside is entered through three secret entrances, from which thousands of Georgian soldiers unexpectedly appeared to invaders.
There are residential premises - one, two, three and four, and there are bunk rooms. The monastery has many vertical tunnels and secret links between the premises. The complex has over six hundred rooms - residential, religious and household. There are also libraries, bathrooms and dining rooms. When enemies attack, the rock fortress can hold up to twenty thousand people.
In the middle of the complex is a temple, which is covered with frescoes. They are preserved under a thick layer of soot. In 1551 the monastery was destroyed by Iranian troops, but at the end of the sixteenth century, it was conquered by the Turks. They set fire to the monks in the middle of the temple, so the walls are covered with soot. Among the frescoes are portraits of Queen Tamara.
Behind the temple is a pool that served as a reservoir of spring water and was considered a sacred place. The name of the monastery has an interesting history. The young Queen Tamara played hide and seek in the caves with her uncle. She decided to joke with her uncle and hid so that he could not find her long hours. Finally, he started to cry. She suddenly jumped behind him and said, “Ak vard zia”, which meant: “I'm here, Uncle”. Later, he recounted the story to the court and so was created the name of the monastery.
After a strong earthquake in the thirteenth century, a track with a width of about fifteen meters broke away from the mountain, resulting in the monastery being open and it lost its importance as a fortress.
Actually Vardzia was more of a city or fortress than a monastery. In the cave there is a lake that is miraculous. Many women from all over the world come here to wash their face with water from the cave lake. It is generally believed a woman who washed his face with this water will remain young for many years. Today, monks live in the Rock Monastery and conduct services in the temple.
Madara Rider (Madara Horseman) is the undisputed symbol of the Bulgarian people, history and culture, according to a poll conducted across the country. After this vote it was decided that the effigy of the Madara Rider will be carved on the first Bulgarian Euro coin.
The historical monument of the Madara Rider is a relief which is carved into a cliff. The height of the stone figure is about 23 meters from the base of the rock. This most significant Bulgarian symbol is located in northeastern Bulgaria, about 20 kilometers from the town of Shumen, near the village of Madara.
Very close to the Madara Rider are the first two Bulgarian capitals - Pliska and Preslav. Carved in stone the figure is considered to be apart of a various large ancient archeological site, which includes various items with religious, cultural and military use.
On the left side of the Madara Rider there are very steep stairs which leads you 431 meters up to the Madara plateau. Around the figure of the rider, clearly visible are the carved inscriptions in Greek, which give important information on historical events. According to various posts of specialist historians and archaeologists, the inscriptions are related to the founders of the Bulgarian nation - Asparuh, Krum and Omurtag.
The relief of Madara Rider is a fight scene between the rider and an eagle which flew over the rider. Next to them is a figure of a jumping dog that follows the rider who triumphed the lion with his spear. Overall Madara Rider is a symbol of the power of the First Bulgarian Empire. Experts say that it is most likely that Madara Rider was carved sometime in the 8th century and the rider was Khan Tervel, who lived between 701 and 721.
According to two official versions that describe what is depicted on this historic sanctuary in Bulgaria, the relief recreates the hunting scene in which the Bulgarian ruler kills a lion with his spear and whom is followed by his faithful dog.
The second hypothesis explains that the rider is associated with Khan Tervel, who defeated the Byzantines which is depicted symbolically by the lion and the dog. However, there are more posts that suggests, the Madara Rider relief is more than a depicted hunting scene. They take this information mostly from the unusual facts, obe being, that the lion has a raised tail, which means that it was not killed. Madara Rider near Shumen
On a closer look at the animal under the rider you will see it does not look like a lion, as also once claimed. The lion has a distinctive mane and is significantly larger. The illustrated animal is a tiger or Leopard - the name by which ancient Bulgarians have called this animal.
In his front paws the ‘lion’ is holding a snake that is quite eroded, but is still distinct. It is a symbol of the Year of the Snake. The historical monument of Madara Rider was of world heritage by UNESCO in 1979 to 29 June 2008 and is also one of 100 national tourist sites.
Rock Phenomenon Wonderful rocks is an extremely interesting and beautiful landmark in the region of Varna. Wonderful rocks is located 4 km from the village Asparuhovo, they are just on the picturesque coast of Tsonevo. From here the sea capital Varna is located about 90 km southeast. It is best to take the route through Provadia for quality roads. The phenomenon Wonderful rocks is only three kilometers from the turnoff to the village Asparuhovo, but you must not enter the village itself.
Wonderful rocks was declared a natural monument on 05.08.1949. This beautiful area of the lake Tsonevo is located at a 12.5 ha total area among the incredibly beautiful natural area. An array of Wonderful rocks consists of about a dozen incredibly beautiful rock needles. Their height varies between 40-50 m, they all look very much like a fairy-tale towers medieval castle. The whole phenomenon involves three rocks in which they dug three tunnels and over which the road is paved with crushed stones. The Wonderful Rocks near Varna
The natural Phenomenon Wonderful rocks is formed as a result of the influence of wind and water over limestone rocks. Those interesting in form limestones are not monolithic, and are divided into blocks, which rise immediately from the shores of Tsonevo. Exactly here Wonderful rocks are most steep and vertical. The phenomenon consists of three arrays along their entire length, ehere were dug three tunnels that channel the way for cars, made from crushed stone. As seen from the main road, the rocks often attract commuters who drop by to relax and enjoy the wonderful view and sculpted forms.
In close proximity to the natural phenomenon "Wonderful rocks” is located a lodge, which is an extremely good place to stay if you decide to stay in the area. Lodge Wonderful rocks is located 3 kilometers from the village main road Asparuhovo, as close to it is another historic landmark - the historic ruins of monastery "St. Atanas".
17 km from here is lodge Kamchia. The lodge itself, Wonderful rocks is a massive three-storey building with 79 places, offering common toilets and bathrooms. The building has water and electricity, central heating, and thereto attached is a small restaurant and buffet. Path to the lodge is asphalt, there is parking.
At present, lodge Wonderful rocks has the status of a hotel-restaurant by night and a double room costs about 25 euro. Beautiful phenomenon Wonderful rocks Is located opposite the hotel and tour on foot to them is about 1 hour. The most convenient route for arriving at Wonderful rocks is to take a left at the bridge, which leads to a natural landmark. After the bridge turn right and you are near the rocks.
After the tour you can go back to the hotel across the bridge. Once you see Wonderful rocks, you can indulge in fishing in Tsonevo or sightseeing trips in the area. There are some interesting caves, rock formations and holes, some inhabited by large raptors. Nearby is Provadia where you can visit the historical fortress Ovech. Stroll to visit the only museum in the country for Mosaics, which works 10 to 16 hours. Be sure to visit the magic spring and Fossil Forest.
Only 5 minutes walk from the natural phenomenon Wonderful rocks, is equipped with rock climbing routes. These challenges for fans of rock climbing are situated up a steep path, the site of an abandoned quarry of stones. The rocks have an interesting form of an arc, with a ceiling in its upper part.
In September 1990, at this part of the area Wonderful rocks, is carried out a national championships in climbing. Especially for this race to the rocks is suitable route 8.
With the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD only ruins were saved from the ancient city of Pompei however, it is not such a similar outcome for the Roman resort town of Herculaneum. Herculaneum is located very close to Pompei in southwestern Italy and Naples Bay in the Campania region, at the foot of the volcano Vesuvius. The ancient city was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO, and you have to pay to enter here. The most convenient was to reach Herculaneum is by train or bus from Sorrento or Naples.
Many believe that, unlike Pompei, Herculaneum is far more spectacular and attractive for tourist visits. The town itself is built into the ground and to enter it you must disembark down. The whole village has a firewall surrounding it. Today only a quarter of the settlement was dug out and available for viewing, but the buildings there are certainly much more reserved than those in Pompei.
In the eruption of Vesuvius most of the inhabitants of Herculaneum had managed to escape and save themselves from the fiery lava and ash. About one hundred people were killed, while Pompei the opposite happens. There is a presumption that Herculaneum was overwhelmed by the sea water and not buried by volcanic ash, which had contributed to a better preservation of urban architecture.
Today, in excellent condition are the reserved urban male and female bathrooms. You can see the metal tubs, while their form is proof that the design is the same since 2000. In the men's public bathrooms can be seen the immersion heater and price list on the walls, posters advertising the different services and fast food . All this proves that Herculaneum was a prime seaside resort in the Roman Empire - many visitors went there for pleasure, to take advantage of the city baths and have fun.
In almost all buildings, shops, restaurants and homes could be considered unique beautiful frescoes and mosaics, which are characterized by bright colors. It is believed that their purpose was to create a pleasant atmosphere and vacation for its guests. There are found pretty mosaics and paintings of highly erotic and even pornographic nature. Unfortunately, most of them can not be seen because they are harvested in various museums for their provocative nature. In the 60th year of the last century they were called out to a secret museum hall of Naples, but only in 2000 they made accessible to mass audiences.With the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD only ruins were saved from the ancient city of Pompei however, it is not such a similar outcome for the Roman resort town of Herculaneum. Herculaneum is located very close to Pompei in southwestern Italy and Naples Bay in the Campania region, at the foot of the volcano Vesuvius. The ancient city was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO, and you have to pay to enter here. The most convenient was to reach Herculaneum is by train or bus from Sorrento or Naples.
Many believe that, unlike Pompei, Herculaneum is far more spectacular and attractive for tourist visits. The town itself is built into the ground and to enter it you must disembark down. The whole village has a firewall surrounding it. Today only a quarter of the settlement was dug out and available for viewing, but the buildings there are certainly much more reserved than those in Pompei.
In the eruption of Vesuvius most of the inhabitants of Herculaneum had managed to escape and save themselves from the fiery lava and ash. About one hundred people were killed, while Pompei the opposite happens. There is a presumption that Herculaneum was overwhelmed by the sea water and not buried by volcanic ash, which had contributed to a better preservation of urban architecture.
Today, in excellent condition are the reserved urban male and female bathrooms. You can see the metal tubs, while their form is proof that the design is the same since 2000. In the men's public bathrooms can be seen the immersion heater and price list on the walls, posters advertising the different services and fast food . All this proves that Herculaneum was a prime seaside resort in the Roman Empire - many visitors went there for pleasure, to take advantage of the city baths and have fun.
In almost all buildings, shops, restaurants and homes could be considered unique beautiful frescoes and mosaics, which are characterized by bright colors. It is believed that their purpose was to create a pleasant atmosphere and vacation for its guests. There are found pretty mosaics and paintings of highly erotic and even pornographic nature. Unfortunately, most of them can not be seen because they are harvested in various museums for their provocative nature. In the 60th year of the last century they were called out to a secret museum hall of Naples, but only in 2000 they made accessible to mass audiences.
Dahshur Pyramids are an astonishing necropolis, which has yet to gain popularity among tourists in Egypt. Although less known, Dashur and its magnificent specimens of Egyptian architecture is no less impressive than those at Giza. An additional plus is that they are built entirely on the model of the pyramids in Dashur .
The complex is located about 40 km south of Cairo and is the second largest necropolis in Saqqara after Giza. Here there are 5 pyramids, 3 of them are larger and newly available for visits. From 1979 Dashur with the necropolis at Giza are included in the list of Colors cultural heritage.
The two main pyramids in Dashur are built for Pharaoh Snofru. The first one is a 100-foot Bent Pyramid, located in the necropolis near the small village of the name Dashur. To this day, the Bent Pyramid is developed by the archaeologists who discovered more and more interesting artifacts here.
Bent pyramid was built 4600 years ago by Pharaoh Snofru, who was the father of Cheops, assuming that it was intended for his tomb. In fact Snofu leaves behind far more amazing Egyptian buildings than Cheops, although the latter is more popular.
It is assumed that the Bent Pyramid of Dashur is the sarcophagus of Snofru, but still it is not open - the pyramid is an extremely complex maze of corridors, which is still under investigation.
The name of the Bent Pyramid of Dashur comes from the fact that the angle of the walls at the base starting from 54 degrees, but later was changing to 43 degrees. It is possible that the relatively sharp angle of the walls of the pyramid is a partial cause of its collapse, because they had to make changes to the project at the southern pyramid of Dashur.
Originally it was designed as a very steep building, but later architects realized the danger of collapse and decided to rise it up and the top at a less acute angle. This pyramid is associated with an underground corridor to the pyramid in which is buried the wife of Snofru. The purpose of this path is so the Pharaoh can visit his favorite in the afterlife.
This imperfect construction of Dashur deeply disappointed Pharaoh and he decided to abandon the Bent Pyramid. Before him a new project was formed, namely the construction of another tomb, which is now known as the Red Pyramid at Dashur.
It is the fourth largest in Egypt after the Giza two, it is built at the lower slope of 43 degrees. In those ancient times, however, the Red Pyramid had no equal in size and in general was the highest building in the world.
Experts say the Red Pyramid is the first successful attempt in history, to construct the pyramid with smooth sides. Its name comes from the red rocks that it is built from. In fact, this building in Dashur was not always red, as in the beginning it was covered with limestone. In the midlle ages much of the white limestone is robbed for the construction of new buildings in Cairo.
About 100 km south of Cairo can be seen another pyramid built by Snofru. It is known as the Pyramid of Meydum and is located in Meydum. It is assumed that it was built by the father of Snofru - Huns and it was quite large. Built on 7 levels, of which today only 3 remain.
Timgad is an intriguing ancient city which was a Roman colony in North Africa. Today Timgad is entirely in ruins, but continues to attract tourists from around the world. Known as Thamugadi, this Roman settlement is located in the land of Algeria. It stands next to the desert at the foot of the Aures mountains, about 35 km east of Batna.
Timgad was founded 2000 years ago by Emperor Trajan as a military colony. According to the then ruler of the Roman plan of the city should be settled by freed soldiers from the legions of Trajan. Estimates were that Timgad had about 15 000 people and was constructed with everything necessary for such a large settlement.
Over time, however, the city grew rapidly and strict organization of separate buildings outside the city had already been lost. The village was a kind of reward for the bravery of the Roman soldiers defending the empire with their lives and in Timgad they found all the amenities you could need.
The whole name of the town was Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi. The master Plan of Timgad is reminiscent of a checkerboard field with two central streets Dekumanus-Max, (which is oriented from east to west) and Card – a street leading from north to south. These main streets were surrounded by impressive and beautiful Corinthian columns.
Card leads to the Forum of Timgad and the intersection with Dekumanus Max, which also keeps track of carts on the stone pavement. This street, in turn, ends with a 12 m high triumphal arch. That is Trajan's triumphal arch, which was partially restored in 1900. The arch of Trajan was built entirely of sandstone in the Corinthian style.
It has three arches, the central of which is 11 meters wide, and in some parts Timgad is known as the arch of Timgad. Statues that decorated it once, are sadly already gone. From the main hall of the Forum to date has remained only the floor of the Curia, where the leaders of the city sat. Opposite the court in the basilica is located the exchange.
Today in Timgad, we can see the ruins of Roman baths. In these urban baths are preserved cellars of boilers, from which came steam, heating the rooms. There were warm and hot pools, gym cloths and sites for slow talks by Roman citizens.
Among other buildings are the preserved theater with 3 500 beds, baths, library and the Basilica. Capitoline Temple in Timgad is dedicated to Jupiter and is approximately the same parameters as the Pantheon in Rome. Two huge columns crown the hill, which has always stood as the Capitol.
It is dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. Over 100 years before, the front facade of the Capitol had six columns and the temple inside the massive hall is divided into three narthex. In the vicinity you can see a church with a circular apse, which probably dates from the 7th century AD.
Timgad keeps the remains of a large Roman theater. It once had a diameter of 63 meters and can hold up to 4, 000 spectators, proving that Timgad was the cultural center of the whole area. Among other attractions of the village is the library It is a two-storey building with semicircular niches for scrolls, cabinets for books and a book store in the yard.
From an inscription it is clear that construction of the library is worth 400, 000 coins and financed by Marcus Julius. It is assumed that the library had about 25 000 volumes.
To the south of Timgad is a large Byzantine citadel which was built after the abandonment of the settlement and the decline of the Roman Empire, in the later days of the existence of the city. In a corner of the square is preserved an inscription "to hunt, fight, play games and laugh. This is life." Timgad is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.
Palenque is one of the largest and most important archaeological complexes of the Maya. Palenque is located in dense tropical forests in the foothills of the Mexican mountain range in the state Tumbala Chiapas. The nearest airport is in the city of Villahermosa, the complex Palenque is located about 90 miles southwest of the village and about 130 km south of Ciudad del Carmen. There are many options to reach the ancient city, among which the cheapest is by bus. Palenque today is a popular tourist destination and around the Mayan village are built excellent tourist facilities with hotels and lodging establishments. The complex is one of the largest, most significant and important to the Mayan culture and need a whole day to be examined closely.
Palenque is located in southern Mexico, near the river Usumacinta, at about 150 meters above sea level. In size Palenque is smaller than Tikal and Copán, but is one of the most impressive, and probably the most reserved. In 1981 it was declared a protected area and UNESCO included it in the List of World Heritage Sites in 1987. The mayan city was built on a high, strategically located plateau. Today, its elegant architecture, descriptive carvings, calligraphy and decorative friezes reach great heights and art works are almost perfectly preserved.
Around 1746 the nephew of the Spanish priest Father Antonio de Soli was the first to find the white limestone buildings in Palenque. Other sources suggest that a traveler is the rightful finder- Ordonez and Ramon Aguilar, who traveled to the place of San Cristobal de las Kazas in 1773, intrigued by rumors of a town with stone houses. This inspired a further expedition in 1784 led by Captain Jose Antonio del Rio. But only in 1952, Mexican archaeologist Alberto Rus discovered a tomb hidden in the pyramid inscriptions.
It belonged to Lord Pakaya, king-priest of the Mayan, somewhere around 750 Palenque extends over an area of about 3 square miles, but only 10% of the ancient city were discovered. It is assumed that in the jungles there are thousands of buildings that are part of Palenque . The name of the city was granted by the Spaniards, but the ancient name of the town remains a mystery. Palenque was the capital of the city-state or B'aakal B'aak.
The ancient city of Palenque flourished in the seventh century and was one of the most important for the Maya then. The ruins we see today date from 100 BC, the abandonment of the settlement was around 800 AD. Much of the history of the settlement was read by the specialists of the stone inscriptions themselves, that the Maya left in Palenque. And because of that fact there is clear detail as to exactly what was the ruling dynasty in the 7th century and who were enemies of the village.
The most famous ruler of Palenque was Pacal the Great, whose tomb was discovered during excavation work in the so-called ”Temple of the Inscriptions”. It is believed that was erected in the form of stepped pyramid tomb at the base in 675 years. That central to the complex of Palenque temple is 60 m wide, 42.5 m deep and reaches 27, 2 meters high. Inside were found reliefs describing 180 years of history of the city.
The Cross temples group (Temples of the Cross) is composed of the Temple of the Cross, the Temple of the Sun, and the Temple of the Foliated Cross. Other famous and interesting buildings in the Palenque Temple of the Lion, are off about 200 meters south of the main group of temples, and aqueducts, the Temple of the Count, so named because of that early explorer of Palenque, Jean Frederic Waldeck, who claimed to be Earl, who lived in the temple for some time.
In the complex of Palenque, visitors can see many buildings, pyramids, houses, apartments and more. More works of art are exposed in a small museum, recently opened at the entrance to the lands or in the National Anthropological Museum in Mexico City.
Among the beautiful natural sights of Malta is a natural rock arch known as Heavenly window (Azure Window). Arch is on a small island known as Gozo. The Arch on Gozo was formed in the Gulf Dwerja, but not the only which can be seen in the area.
Furthermore, thee is still a beautiful natural phenomenon on the neighboring island, known as Fungus Rock. The second arch is not visible from the heavenly window, but only from the higher parts of the bay.
Arch of Gozo is striking for its beauty and near-perfect symmetry and proportions. Portal was formed in the limestone rock due to erosion and the influence of climatic factors and wave power and impresses with its straight horizontal roof.
Arch of Gozo is often called the window of blue. No wonder that this natural formation is one of the most photographed sites in the Maltese Islands.
To Arch of Gozo can lead the way to San Lawrenz, which departs from Victoria. It passes through San Lorenzo and reaches the coast, where there has been built a special parking for cars. The very natural phenomenon remains little to the right when looking from the parking lot to the sea.
There is a small rocky path that leads to a place with better visibility to Arch of Gozo. There are several Sightseeing spots which can be seen here on their way to Heavenly window, all just minutes away.
Arch of Gozo reaches a height of 50 meters and is mainly formed by the surf wave in the narrow limestone cape on the coast, which is known locally as Tieqa in Maltese. The view window to heaven is unique, especially in bad weather when the excitement is stormy and the waves crash into the rock, spinning.
Unfortunately the fragile limestone rocks, subjected to continuous erosion of salty waves is the reason Arch of Gozo will be subjected to permanent destruction. At present, large pieces of rock mass continue to fall steadily from Heavenly window, experts estimate that in a few years this beautiful coastal landmark in Malta will be totally destroyed and will disappear.
Forth Rail Bridge is the world's first bridge built entirely of steel. Raised in the early 19th century, Forth Rail Bridge is considered a miracle of engineering and performance. It was the largest such facility of its time, and today is one of the most peculiar and intriguing sights on Scotland.
Forth Rail Bridge was built over the River Forth, connecting by railway cities Edinburgh and Dundee, 14 km west of the capital Edinburgh. It is the connection between South Queensferry and North Queensferry.
The need to build a connection between the two sides of the Forth River appears at the beginning of the 19th century. The original idea was to build a tunnel, but after a few trials and measurements, this project was abandoned. In 1806 was born the idea of building a bridge, and in 1818 were already presented several projects, including that of Mr.James Anderson.
In 1878 construction began on the Forth Rail Bridge, under the guidance of designer Thomas Bouch. One year later, due to a severe storm another newly built bridge by the architect - The Tay Bridge collapses and kills 75 people. Therefore, the draft of Bouch for Forth Rail Bridge has been terminated.
New Forth Rail Bridge is the work of Sir Benjamin Baker and Sir John Fowler, and production is by Sir William Arrol. Construction of three major consoles starts in 1883 and takes about 5 years.
Forth Rail Bridge, built entirely of steel to compete only with the Eiffel Tower in Paris , but is still her superior. The opening ceremony of the Forth Rail Bridge was on March 4, 1890, when Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) put the last screw in, which is gilded and inlaid.
Length of Forth Rail Bridge is 2.5 km. In preparing it 55, 000 tons steel were spent, 18, 122 cubic meters of granite, eight million rivets. During the seven years of construction, total 4000 men were involved in the process. Of these, at least 57 were victims in an accident and died (some say the number of deaths exceeds 80). The life of 8 more men were rescued by rescue boats that sailed into the river during construction of Fort Rail . Hundreds remained forever crippled.
The total amount spent to build steel miracle amounted to 3.2 million pounds, including the cost of 250 000 pounds for the previous works. Forth Rail Bridge was put into operation on January 21, 1890 - several weeks earlier than its official opening. On this day in Forth Rail Bridge 2 trains can pass one another, each with 50 wagons, weighing 900 tons each.
When built Forth Rail Bridge was considered the eighth wonder of the world. It is in operation to this day, after major repairs, in recent years. At present the steel construction of Fort Rail is an important part of the rail network on the East Coast. Daily, between 180 and 200 trains pass through here.
Hawaii is a volcanic archipelago. Today the volcano has long been inactive, but the caldera Diamond Head remains, at the foot of which is the capital Honolulu. Diamond Head is an amazing sight, which outlines the background of world-famous Waikiki Beach, at whose eastern end stands an enormous volcanic formation. Diamond Head was formed in the southeast of the Hawaiian island of Oahu, and today is considered one of the emblems of Hawaii.
Locals called Diamond Head Le Ahi, which literally means " tuna fin”, because the silhouette of its shape resembles the caldera. Diamond Head is the name given by sailors in the early 19th century. Approaching the Hawaiian coast, from a distance they saw the gleam of volcanic calcite crystals and decided that the crater must have diamonds. Today one of the biggest attractions in the city is going up this sleeping volcano, whose height reaches 231 meters, but from the height of the tip can be extended a comprehensive view of Hawaiian beauty.
The crater was formed about 300 000 years ago and disappeared sometime 150 000 years ago, according to geologists, and has no chance to erupt again. In early 1900 Diamond Head was used as a military watchtower and one of the largest fortresses, Fort Ruger, was built in the crater. Around here in 1910 was built an underground complex of tunnels and galleries on 4 levels. Since 1968 it has been declared a natural landmark in Hawaii.
While part of it serves as a platform for antennas used by the U.S. government and is closed to the public, the proximity of the crater to Honolulu and Waikiki in particular, along with the unique beach hotels make the Diamond Head a popular destination. The walk to the edge of the crater is a little more than a kilometre. From Waikiki are buses that take visitors to the Tourist Centre of Diamond Head.
The Diamond Head crater covers 475 acres including the crater walls. The trail to the summit of the crater was made around 1908 as part of the military complex. Traveling it takes about 2 hours of steep and strenuous climbing, so tourists are advised to bring their flashlights and water.
During the ascent must overcome two sets of stairs - the former are about 74 and the second part will make you very poizpotite while passing 99 feet. The next part of the ascent of Diamond Head is a small tunnel, which is compulsory to carry a torch, followed by a small spiral staircase with 30 steps.
The total number of steps to the top of Diamond Head is 175 paces, but all worth the effort when you reach the surface, covered with foliage and at a glance the Pacific can be seen, along with the southern coast of Honolulu. Good to know is, that the last climb to the summit is at 4:30 pm. A curious fact is that Diamond Head is actually a mountain of the popular series "Lost", which is filmed entirely on Oahu.
If you decide to climb Diamond head on Saturday, it is better to stop en route at the weekly Kapiolani Community College Farmer's Market, where the largest farmers of the island offer their produce. The market is near to Monsarrat Avenue, in which there are many restaurants and snack areas.
Seven Mile Bridge is one of the most popular views of the islands near Florida. Seven Mile Bridge is a unique feature of engineering thought. It is the most photographed image in the region of the Florida Keys, but it is the longest bridge in the world, built by individual segment blocks.
Seven miles Islands sit just exactly in Florida, passing the place known as, Knight's Key, the so called Little Duck Key is at the bottom of the island group.
In most general, the Seven Mile Bridge is the transition between the middle and lower parts of the Florida Keys. Seven Mile Bridge
Today, the seven mile bridge in the district of Monroe County in Florida is one of the longest such structures in the world with its length of more than 10 kilometers. Seven miles has two lanes, as the width of the bridge reaches 11.58 meters. In fact, this place has two bridges - old and new.
The old Seven Mile Bridge was constructed at the beginning of last century, between the years of 1909-1912. The Project Manager was Henry Flagler, who built the bridge, intended primarily for rail. The seven mile bridge was known as the Florida East Coast Railway. It is also called, Overseas rail bridge.
The construction of the Old Bridge, however, suffered serious damage after a hurricane in 1935 (Labor Day Hurricane). After the damage that this natural disaster caused to the building over the ocean, the U.S. Federal Government gave a grant amount for its repair. The seven mile bridge was transformed into a passenger car highway. During Hurricane Donna in 1960 again damage was to the construction of seven miles.
Construction of this Seven Mile Bridge started in 1978, there is still a part of the old bridge there, acting as a fishing pier. New construction of seven miles consists of 440 individual specially designed segmented blocks.
The plot, which is near the middle of the bridge, has a higher, curved structure, which stands 20 meters from the level of passing vessels. The rest of seven miles is much closer to the water. The bridge was officially opened on May 24th in 1982. The exact length is 10, 931 km.
Every year on the seven mile bridge a marathon is held. This mass "running" is traditionally in April and every time the bridge was closed for about two and a half hours. Each year about 1, 500 people engage in the traditional race on the seven mile bridge.
A number of cinema movies such as "James Bond", "Righteous Kill", "True Lies" and others have used the seven mile bridge as scenery.
Begliktash, also known as Beglik Tash, is a megalith Thracian sanctuary, which was discovered in 2003.
It is located near the ruins of the ancient city Ranuli near the Reserve Ropotamo. It is located three km. from Primorsko. This is the sanctuary of Ranuli.
It is a circle of huge stones, which are in the middle of a meadow. It was a sort of ancient temple where they sacrificed gifts to the gods. Over time, there was housing built for the priests.
The arrangement of stones is such that they form an observatory, which acts as a calendar, clock, and temple. The temple has an altar carved into the rock, which consists of two tanks, connected by chutes.
The temple has an altar and a stone throne on which a priest sat. In the altar were found only traces of plants because obviously there were no animals sacrificed, but different species plants. Tracian Sanctuary at Begliktash
The stones have holes carved that let in the solstice sun to illuminate these points. The stones functioned as a clock. The sunlight that falls from the main altar, divided the day into six equal parts.
It is believed that Begliktash sanctuary is made in the fourteenth century BC and continued to operate until the fifth century after Christ. This place was attractive to the Thracians, Romans and Greeks in different epochs of its life.
It is believed that Begliktash has served the needs of the cult of the sun god of the Thracians. There is also a view that some of the rituals performed in Begliktash are characteristic of the cult of the Mother Goddess. Parts of Begliktash
It is also believed that on the rock bed gathered for rituals the Union High Priest and supreme Priestess. The baths, which are located around the bed, served to fill with water, oil, milk and wine. Wine symbolized the earth, oil symbolized fire, milk symbolized air and so they gathered the four elements.
In particular, after rain water is collected in the carved grooves and if you look at the top, the solar water has formed characters. Above the throne of the High Priest was a wooden shed.
The most interesting stone in the complex Begliktash is called the Apostle tash. It is huge, and relies only on two points. It is believed that between the base and the stone was a volcanic layer that was removed with tools by the inhabitants of this place and so the upper stone is fixed to the bottom on only two points. Tracian Ruins at Begliktash
The ancient sundial, which will one day be rebuilt, fell, because in less than one hundred years the highest stone fell and destroyed the rest.
By the sundial is located a Labyrinth - there young men chose their lives. Those who choose the right way, were directed to a practical craft, and those who choose the left path, became priests.
One of the most interesting tests is a narrow rock crevice, through which only the righteous could pass. Begliktash has dolmen which is used only for ceremonial purposes. Its shape symbolizes the female womb.
Rockefeller Center is a huge office center, which was built in Manhattan with investments by financial magnates of the Rockefeller family in the thirties of the twentieth century.
Most famous are the fourteen buildings, designed in art deco. Here are the headquarters of some well-known corporations and auction houses.
It began in the early thirties of the twentieth century, when the young businessman John Rockefeller rented the land from Columbia University.
He plans to build in this place an opera theater, but the collapse of securities in 1929, known as Black Tuesday, dramatically changed his plan.
Instead, he built a place of finance and money; the buildings are on a large territory.
Initially, all thought this plan foolish and adventurous. For the construction of the center he should take great credit and he sold many oil stocks, but also had to buy the land from Columbia University. The price of land soared rapidly after it became clear that Rockefeller wants to buy it.
The only one who believed in the project was John D. Rockefeller himself. Later he explained: "I saw that I had no other way. I either had to quit building or I had to put everything I own in it. "
On the seventeenth day of May 1930 began the largest building project in the world - to build the towers, fourteen architects were invited, as well as painters and sculptors from all over the world. The construction was led by John Todd, and contracts with architect Raymond Hood, who became famous by his work on this project, were put in place.
In 1932 Mexican artist Diego Rivera custom painted a mural of the Rockefeller area ninety-nine square meters big, which depicted the feast on the first of May in Moscow with the figures of Lenin and Trotsky. Rockefeller was very dissatisfied with this subject. In early 1934, the mural was destroyed.
The construction of Rockefeller Center was completed nine years after its launch, on the first of November 1939.
Unfortunately, after completion of construction started World War II and some of the buildings began to be used as the headquarters of various organizations and parties.
The war ended with victory, and then started the upturn of the economy, which lasted decades and brought John Rockefeller many deserved millions.
Land was leased from Columbia University until 1985, but Rockefeller Group company representatives made a deal. Four years after this, Rockefeller Center and the land became property of the Japanese company Mitsubishi Estate.
Rockefeller Center is where the Christmas tree stands in New York City. Rockefeller Center is a place visited by millions of tourists from around the world each year.
Very interesting are not so much buildings as are the landmarks that were built later, in addition to the center. For example, Radio City Music Hall, built before Black Tuesday, today is a favorite not only for tourists but also residents of the city who want to spend a few pleasant hours out.
The most popular for tourists is the Center of Art, a huge art museum, which offers every sink in the atmosphere of the history of America. The museum collected thousands of works of artists from around the world. For each American, Rockefeller Center is not only the economic heart of the city, but also a historical and architectural monument, a monument to fallen soldiers, who carry the spirit of an epoch. Rockefeller Center is known as a city within a city.
On the square of the Rockefeller Center was erected a statue of Prometheus, which is located in a circle, which depicts the zodiac signs. The statue has the inscription: "Prometheus, a mentor in every art, brought fire to people, which proved to mortals a means to achieve great goals."
Petra is a site in the Arabah, Jordan that was discovered by a Swiss explorer called Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812 and is considered to be, yet another splendid beauty in the history of mankind. Arabah is a section of the Great Rift Valley and it is located between the Dead Sea (north) and the Gulf of Aqaba (south) forming part of the border between Jordan (east) and Israel (west).
Petra represents the ancient world’s heritage culture. It is a beauty hidden behind layers of mountain. The ones who have seen it say it is a treasure beyond comparison. It is now said to be one of the seventh wonder of the world and it belongs to the UNESCO world heritage site. The entire red rose city of Petra has such a charismatic appeal that it attracts anyone & everyone who enters the city, taking them to a different world of divine beauty and mystery. Petra mainly is admired because of its picture perfect architecture, its complex structure, quality and the non mentionable mere size.
Petra is said to have its origin before 106 AD; its culture is said to have been flourished in almost 400 years old. The one’s who visited it say that it is a site that can never be forgotten. The city of Petra takes its name, which is the Greek word for “rock”, from the fact that it is most notable for its buildings and tombs that are carved directly into the red sandstone that serves as the city’s natural protection from invaders. Its popularity with tourists may also have a connection to the city’s Biblical significance. It is here where King Aretas called for the arrest of the Apostle Paul at the time of his conversion. How to Get to Petra
This historical fortress is located 170 miles southwest of Amman, Jordan on the edges of the Wadi Araba desert. It is also 50 miles south of the Dead Sea and the only way to enter the city is through a narrow crevice called the Siq. One has to uncover a very narrow path of mountains, kilometer by kilometer before they get to see the majestic beauty of Petra.This path is only about five meters wide, with sandstone walls towering up hundreds of meters high on both sides. This long, narrow & not very well lighted gorge is very cool & soothes the visitors before it unfolds the mystery step by step.
A taxi is the best means of transportation to get from the Queen Alia International Airport to Amman. Remember to ask the driver to take you to the Wahdat bus terminal, since there are two major bus stations in Amman. Destinations are usually printed in Arabic on the respective buses, so if you do not read Arabic, ask to be shown to the bus that will take you to Petra.
The famous Tintern Abbey is located in a very picturesque area, in South Wales. The place of religious temple, which today are mostly ruins left, is only closed between Wye River and south of the village Tintern. This beautiful natural region is located only 8 km from the town of Chepstow.
Tintern Abbey was the first Cistercian monastery in the spirit of the territory of Wales and the second similar in England. It was founded in 1131 by Cistercian monks. A century later it was rebuilt as a dwelling for about 400 monks. At that time the so-called community of Black Death often attacked the religious community, but the abbey survived until 1536. Later, the monastery again suffered many years of being in a Derelict state and destruction at the time of Henry VIII, who led the campaign against churches and religious monasteries.
Today tourists visiting Tintern abbey enter for free. The most important building here is a Gothic church, which is preserved in relatively good condition and is mostly complete. The building has no roof. The temple is about 70 meters long, the entire south arcade and gallery inside are reserved. Most of the columns are also in good condition and standing up. They hold beautifully crafted arches. To this day in the beautiful architecture of the temple are performed religious services. Around the Gothic church are the ruins of several smaller buildings that are in poor condition, but still interesting.
To maintain the health of Tintern Abbey, the Welsh care agency for protection and conservation of historical monuments periodically performs restoration activities on the building.
Parícutin is also called Volcán de Parícutin and is found in Mexico,
about two hundred miles from Mexico City. This cinder cone volcano is
considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The volcano is
quite unique because its creation to extinction has been witnessed and
studied by people. It is one section of the Michoacán-Guanajuato, which is a volcanic
field that covers a large part of western central Mexico. Since 1952,
this volcano has not experienced any eruptions. The volcano grew very
quickly and reached seventy-five percent of its size in its first year.
History of the Volcano
Loud rumbling noises that sounded like thunder were noticed by people
living near the Parícutin village three weeks prior to the first
eruption. In Actuality, the sounds were very deep earthquakes. This
volcano started as a small fissure inside a field of corn that was owned
by a local farmer in February of 1943. The farmer and his wife observed
the first eruption of stones and ash first-hand when they were burning
shrubs in the cornfield. In only one week it grew very quickly, about five stories high. In
one month, people in distant areas could see it. The majority of
Parícutin’s growth took place during the first year, when it was in its
explosive pyroclastic phase. The villages of San Juan Parangaricutiro
and Parícutin were buried in ash and lava. Most of the residents had to
move to nearby vacant land. There were no deaths caused by the lava
flow, but three people died due to lightning strikes that were caused by
the volcano’s eruptions. After this first year phase, Parícutin was over one thousand feet
tall. During the following eight years it continued to erupt. Most of
the eruptions were relatively quiet and the lava scorched about
twenty-five square kilometers of the surrounding land. This volcano’s
activity declined gradually in that period of time. However, in the last
five to six months there were more violent eruptions that occurred
regularly. In 1949, following one of its major eruptions, nearly one
thousand people died. In 1952, the eruptions ended and the volcano became dormant after
reaching its final height. Like the majority of cinder cones, this
volcano is monogenetic. This means it will not erupt any more. Although,
new eruptions many occur in different parts of the overall volcanic
field. Volcanism is very much a part of Mexico’s landscape. Parícutin is the
youngest out of fourteen hundred volcanic vents which exist in North
America and Mexico. It belongs to the Volcanic Axis, also called the
Transversal, which is a seven hundred mile line of various volcanoes.
They run in an east to west direction across the southern part of
Mexico. Its volcanic explosions were categorized as Strombolian
eruptions which consist of basaltic lava that exploded from just one
How to See Parícutin
It is a twelve mile journey to reach the top area of this volcano.
This can be done by horseback or by a strenuous hike. Traveling to the
top is one of the best ways to see it because visitors will get a number
of great views of their surroundings as they go up to the top.
The tomb of Tutankhamun is one of the most popular tourist and historical attractions in the world. The tomb is a part of the precious history of Egypt, which is the father of an entire ancient civilization that became the basis of a modern society. The tomb is a part of the ‘greatest’ outdoor museum in the Valley of the Kings which is near the historic Egyptian village, Luxor.
Tutankhamun was a pharaoh and he managed Egypt between 1361 and 1352 BC. He is one of
many pharaohs that are buried in the Valley of the Kings, which is now probably the greatest historical value and the most visited tourist destination is Egypt.
The whole name is Nebheperura pharaoh Tutankhamun, also known as Tutanhamun (in Egyptology Tooth-Anh-Amun) and was called at birth Tutankaton.
He was an Egyptian pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. It is a famous fact that he sadly died as a teenager. Tutankhamun ascended the throne at eight years of age and died at the age of 19.
Most professionals and researchers of his death think that it was caused by a strong blow to the head. Some more recent studies indicate that it is a more likely version that his death was caused by necrosis of the left leg, a result after breaking his leg.
Tutankhamun was the last heir of the powerful family that ruled Egypt for centuries. The young king was buried in a gold coffin, the interior is made from red quartzite. The young king was buried with a myriad of fabulous treasures - jewels, precious objects, sculptures and other statues, jars and containers with fragrant aromas.
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 and is credited to the British archaeologist, Howard Carter. The tomb of Tutankhamun is the only royal burial found intact from ancient Egypt.
Only a few years ago, Egyptian archaeologists had found baskets and intact clay pots at the tomb of Tutankhamun. They obviously were not detected in the clearing of it 20 years ago last 20th century. The find includes twenty clay pots, sealed with a seal with the name of Tutankhamun. They probably contain seeds and remnants of drinks. In one of the baskets were found dried fruit and eight other - 60 limestone plates with the name of Tutankhamun.
Relatively new archeological finds were discovered in the treasury, located adjacent to the burial chamber. There, in 1922 the British archaeologist Howard Carter found the mummy of Tutankhamun. According to Dr. Zahi Hauas, vessels were likely to contain provisions for the journey of Tutankhamun to the afterlife. These objects were originally discovered by Howard Carter, but have not been opened or removed from the tomb.
For the first time the mummy of Tutankhamun was displayed without a sarcophagus in his tomb near Luxor on November 4th, 2007. In early January 2005, Egyptian scientists examined the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun and announced exciting results from their studies.
The experts concluded unanimously and rocked the scientific community, by concluding that the young pharaoh died of a natural death and was not killed by their approximations, as was previously thought. The version that Tutankhamun died from his head bearing a fatal blow has now been completely dismissed as there is no evidence of skull characteristic lesions. The final results on the cause of death of the pharaoh had to be published until the end of 2005.
In 2010, after examination of the mummy with a medical scanner showed that the most likely cause of death was malaria, combined with infection after breaking his leg.
Waikiki is probably the most popular neighbourhood in Honolulu - the capital of the unique Hawaiian Islands. Known worldwide for its perfect beaches, Waikiki is one of the top destinations for holidays, when we talk about tropical exoticism. Waikiki is located in the south of Honolulu and is considered the most expensive and luxurious part of town. Prices of the apartments in this part of Oahu reach 1600 dollars per month for a one-room apartment.
Waikiki’s name literally means "fresh water" and is associated with multiple springs and river arms all over Waikiki, separating it from the mainland. Today, Waikiki and Oahu are the only part of the Hawaiian Islands, where there is a network of public transport, known as the "bus". On other islands - Kauai, Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Hawaii is no such "extras". Most of the city's interior is composed of all kinds of hotels, restaurants, bars and restaurants with a variety of entertainment.
The popularity of Waikiki as a tourist destination comes with building the first hotel Moana Surfrider on its shore in 1901. Since then Waikiki managed to become the most preferred tourist and first class section of Honolulu, as housing prices have increased every year. Waikiki is the only place that can boast a royal palace. The reason for this is that back in 1800 the royal leaders of Hawaii loved surfing in this coast.
Today Waikiki Beach is one of the best for practicing surf. Even the legendary Hawaiian surfer Duke Kahanamoku, named the father of modern surfing, built his masterful performance in this sport, exercising in the waves of Waikiki beach. Because of his enormous achievements, on the beach is erected his statue, which is celebrated as an emblem of Honolulu.
Today many tourists in this exclusive resort are able to hire a private tutor in surfing. Against the backdrop of a giant volcanic crater Diamond Head, surfing on the beaches of Waikiki is an incomparable experience. Practically, there is no water activity, which can not be practiced on Waikiki Beach - besides swimming and surfing, there are excellent conditions for body boarding, diving, windsurfing, paragliding, canoeing, catamaran sailing and even fishing.
On the street across the street after the beach is where you can find the best places for shopping, dining, entertainment and all activities. The walk follows the entire length of two miles of the most popular beach in Hawaii. Here in eastern Gaza, next to Diamond Head is Kapiolani Park, where you can make a picnic or just relax on the grass with a book in hand. During the summer, during weekends are held mini film festivals right on Waikiki beach, near the park.
Waikiki has to offer more pleasant sights not to be missed. You can not miss the Honolulu Zoo, and the world famous Waikiki Aquarium. This realm of the aquatic life is an obligatory stop for every tourist in Waikiki. Existing since 1904, it is managed by the University of Waikiki. The aquarium is located next to Kapiolani Park, on the coastal strip, close to the living coral reef. Waikiki Aquarium is the third oldest in the U.S. and offers a huge variety of 500 species of marine life and 3000 naval exhibits.
If you want to explore better shops or just have fun with your whole family stroll in Kuhio Avenues and visit the Royal Hawaiian Center and Waikiki Beach Walk. Only about half an hour from Waikiki are interesting sights like Pearl Harbor, Iolani Palace, beautiful scenery, botanical gardens and historical monuments Nuuanu Pali Lookout, and Hanauma Bay.