Thursday 25 July 2013

Ecuador Ecuador Andes

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 The Andes mountain range stretches 4,400 miles along the western coast of South America, making it the longest mountain range in the world. The highest peak of the Andes mountain range rises 6,962 miles about sea level. In the Ecuador Andes, the summit of Mount Chimborazo is the earth's furthest point from its own center. Although the Andes mountain range does not compare to the Himalaya mountain range in height, it is twice as long. The climate of the Andes Ecuador is constantly changing, and locals claim the area experiences “four seasons in one day” throughout the year.

Various people, plants, and animals make the Ecuador Andes their home. Llamas dot the landscape and remain the main form of transportation for the locals, as the difficult terrain tends to make cars obsolete. A special species of tree can also be found among the peaks of the Ecuador Andes, however these trees are rapidly depleting and today only about 10% of the original mountain forests remain.

The first group of people on record to inhabit the Andes mountain range from Ecuador was the Incans. The Incan Empire reached its zenith in the 1400s and was an advanced society with aqueducts, roads, and a central government. The Spanish conquered the Incans in 1532, and a new colonial city began to develop in Quito, now referred to as the Old City.

Today, in addition to the modernized city of Quito, locals continue to inhabit the Andes mountain range from Ecuador. Irrigation techniques passed down through the centuries are still employed by farmers to this day. Wheat, corn, barley, and quinoa are all grown in the high northern section of the Andes mountain range from Ecuador. Travelers will have access to freshly grown goods in the markets of Quito.

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